Frequently Asked Questions
When are the groupcoaching sessions?
The groupcoaching sessions take place on:
- The 4th of June
- The 25th of June
- The 2nd of July
- The 23th of July
- Last session on the 30th of July
I’m just starting with my business, can I join?
Yes you can. All you need is the guts to take action everyday that you are in this program. You decide your own personal goals for this program. Whether it’s making your first 1000€ or 100k it doesn’t matter. This program is about removing blocks so that you naturally find those answers.
I’ve been an entrepreneur for some years, will I get value out of this program?
Do you know how to remove money blockages in your spirit, mind and body? Do you have a clear vision and have an action plan on where your business is headed? Are you earning what you want to be earning? Do you have enough free time? DO you know how to take rest and NOT feel guilty? If you answered NO to these questions than this program will help you. A lot of times when we have been entrepreneurs for a long time we lose sight of who we are and WHY we started in the first place. Going back to the essence of you might be exactly what you need.
I have a vacation coming up, can I join next time (later)?
There are replays available for you to do the program. I always say that if you feel the pull now it’s because you need this program NOW. Knowing me, I never know what the price will be next time. I might change some core aspects of my programs as I re-launch it (if I even do). Join this time as you have lifetime access to the recordings!
Will I be coached 1:1 by Dani?
All the group sessions have some hot seat coachings included. I will answer as many questions as I can. Some people will even get healings on the spot if I feel that this is what is needed. Others will get a 100k business strategy if they are ready for it. What is your next level?
I don’t have a business yet, can I start?
If you are ready to take action towards starting your business than this is the perfect match! You do need to have an idea in what area you want to start your business. You will be taking a lot of messy action in those two months and it does help if you know in what are do you want to focus on. If you don’t know what your business should be about than I suggest you doing the KURA Manifestation Program First. This program will help you get more clarity on what it is that you should be focusing on.
If you do have an idea on what you want to be doing join as this program will help you take steps in your business.